Showing posts with label Evaluation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evaluation. Show all posts

Thursday, 31 March 2016

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

(Completed as a group)

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? ( Completed as a group)

Using the cameras in the preliminary was fairly difficult and confusing as we hadn’t really worked with professional cameras like this before. We came across several difficulties which included the charge of the battery, the camera switched off due to the battery not being fully charged. However, when we reached filming the final task we ensured that the batter was charged before we filmed in order to cut out the barriers that we first faced. During the making of the final product I feel as a group we developed our camera work skills for example, we have learnt how to stick to the 180-degree rule. When filming the preliminary task we believed that it went very well, however when we looked back at the footage we had noticed we had broken the 180-degree rule therefore this caused us to re-film. We have also learnt how to use the advanced features of the camera in order to make our filming look much more professional. 

Editing Software:
This is the editing software that we used for the editing of our horror opening. This software was much easier to use than the software that we used in the preliminary task, this was because everything was laid out much more easily that it was on Adobe Premiere Elements. Due to this being the first time we used this software we learnt a variety of new skills for example, when editing we needed to cut parts of a shot and move them around using this software was helpful in being able to do this easily. We also was able to change the colouring of the shot in the software in order to create a strong effect on the audience, for example, when we showed the shot of the detective in the office we changed the colour of the shot to a blue effect. We did this in order to show the feeling of the detectives and the grief that he has encountered following the death of his brother. We also learnt to create sound bridges in our final task, this was something that we struggled with in the originally.

This is us using Premiere Pro to edit our evaluation video, we found this easier as we had already experienced the programme when editing our final task.


This the website we have used to present our ‘AS Media Portfolio’. Overall we felt that the ‘blogger’ was fairly easy to use and there was nothing complicated that was involved with creating posts etc. However one problem that was faced was adding the advanced feature of adding tags to my other group member’s blog. This is because it was very difficult to find how to add the tags to the layout of the blog. Also the website can sometimes be temperamental when positioning text and images on the blog.  


Prezi is a form of online presentation which we used in order to present our work in an interactive way. We felt that for the majority of the usage of Prezi it was fairly straightforward however there was also many difficulties when using this software. One disadvantage of using Prezi was at any point in time it would lose connection even when the computers were still connected to the internet and then took several minutes to re-connect. This caused a setback as it reduced the productivity time in which we completed a task. When using Prezi we learnt how to import videos and images into an
online presentation. Using Prezi has helped us to know how to present work in other ways but a word document. It has also enables us to enhance our ICT skills. 


Emaze is another form of online presentation which we used in order to present our work in an interactive way. We felt that using e-maze was much more convenientthan Prezi. This is because it is was a lot moe easier to navigate around and easy to import files. We used emaze in our final task in order to show the audience how our final task represented different social groups. When using Emaze we learnt that it can make a document much more presentable and interactive rather than typing it out. We also learnt how to incorporate sound and video into the online presentation. Emaze has helped us to be more creative in presenting our work and also helped us to show parts of our films in order to show the audience what we were talking about whereas if we were to type a document we wouldn’t be able to show any of the film.

(Completed as a group)

5 .How did you attract/address your audience?

(Completed as a group)

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

(Completed as a group) 

Copy of our presentation that we used:

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

(Completed as a group)

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

(Completed as a group)

Powered by emaze

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

(Completed as a group)